What You Will Learn

A Classical Primer: Drawing the Tuscan Order

  • Layout a block form of the entire Tuscan Order and explore the proportional relationships of the parts to the whole.
  • Produce a detailed drawing of the base, capital and entablature and learn the nomenclature of the various parts.
  • Produce a drawing of a portico using the Tuscan Order to explore issues of syntax in application of the classical order within a composition, including the pediment and principle of intercolumniation.
  • Explore how the canonical Tuscan order can be modified in built examples in different regions.

The Study of Precedents in Architectural Composition: The Art of Measured and Analytical Field Drawing

  • The use of measured and analytical sketchbook drawing as a design tool and resource from the Renaissance to the present day
  • Techniques for measuring architectural details and accurately drawing them to scale in a sketchbook
  • Familiarity with architectural precedents that can inform future architectural design endeavors
  • A sensibility for size, scale, and proportion and composition through measuring and documenting


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