Healthy Cities and Streets - Review Questions

As you watch the video, you can browse by subject using the course outline and timestamps below. As you progress through the units, you can use the below optional (ungraded) questions to help assess your understanding of the material. Please note that these are not the summative assessment questions to be answered at the end of the course. You will also need to complete the summative assessment in order to earn course credit.

0:00: Introduction; Characteristics of Healthy Neighborhoods; Tenement Houses and New York City Reforms

Review: According to the book Transit Villages, approximately how far is the average person willing to prioritize walking over other forms of transportation to reach their destination?

1. Approximately one mile.

Incorrect. On average, people are reluctant to walk this far to a destination, and will begin relying on a car or bus. Consider different cities and towns, and whether people will be willing to walk to standard destinations such as the grocery store from where they live.

2. Approximately half a mile.

Correct! Consider different cities and towns, and whether people will be willing to walk to standard destinations such as the grocery store from where they live based on this figure.

3. Approximately a quarter of a mile.

Incorrect. This is not the figure cited in this particular study – however, compare this to the ideas of Clarence Perry. Is it in fact better to have daily facilities accessible within this shorter distance?

22:35: Roadways and Traffic

Review:An important example of a successful campaign to preserve local character in New York City with regards to healthy environments and local character was:

1. The West Side Highway.

Incorrect. While there were objections to the construction of the West Side Highway, and its path to completion was an interesting one, the highway was built and the objections were largely not to do with issues of local character.

2. The George Washington Bridge.

Incorrect. Incorrect. While there were some concerns about damage to Fort Washington Park, the construction of the bridge was not especially controversial.

3. Washington Square Park.

Correct! Jane Jacobs famously campaigned against Robert Moses’s plan to have Fifth Avenue run through Washington Square Park. The campaign was effective in preserving local character.

33:33: Green Space and Hierarchy

Review: Which of these is NOT an argument for buildings in a city to form a continuous public edge?

1. It helps users of the space to mentally parse the space.

Incorrect. A continuous public edge to the city creates a less stressful viewing experience as it makes the space feel safer and more contained.

2. It encourages a walkable and engaging environment for day to day facilities.

Incorrect. Higher density does encourage walkability as it allows more day to day facilities to be accessible in a smaller amount of time.

3. It makes park space further away for the average resident, encouraging more walking as part of daily exercise.

Correct! Creating a continuous public edge does not necessarily go hand in hand with lesser park space; in fact, as with other necessarily facilities, park space should ideally still be within a short walking distance from all homes, which helps to encourage overall walking and park usage.